Love The Skin You're In

Love The Skin You're In

A class where you learn to love who you are with like minded people.  There is dance, crafts, make up, pampering and cake... It is run in an 8 week block however, you can join whenever you like during the block.  Because we received funding from the Communities Mental Health and Wellbeing Fund we are able to offer this class at £1 per week, payable either in advance or weekly if that's easier for you.

Tuesday 6.30 - 7.30 pm 

Livingston Arts Association

Livingston Arts Association

Offering Painting and ceramic classes with the following sessions.

Tuesday 10am - 12pm, 2pm - 4pm and 6pm - 8pm

Wednesday 10am - 12pm, 2pm - 4pm 

Thursday 6pm - 8pm
HPC Acoustic Sessions

HPC Acoustic Sessions

Join us on Tuesday 4th March, Tuesday 1st April and Tuesday 6th May for an acoustic session led by the amazing Mr Jason Sweeney.  Come along and join in, everyone will get a chance to share their talents or just sit back and enjoy. 

Everyone is welcome. 


Bar is open for hot and cold drinks and a sweet treat. 

Firefly Arts

Firefly Arts

Arts activities for children and young people in West Lothian


We want to see all young people in West Lothian become confident, creative and resourceful – skilled up for positive and proactive futures.

We provide quality and accessible drama, film and youth arts activity for children and young people aged 5 to 25 years across West Lothian.

17th April - 30th June 2023

5pm-7pm: Creative Hiits (by referral only)
7pm-9pm: Firefly Alumni

4pm-5pm: Explorers (P1-P3/ £33)
5pm-7pm: Voyagers (S1-S2/ £66)
7pm-9pm: Out the House (by referral only)

4pm-5:30pm: Navigators (P4-P7/ £45)
6pm-8pm: Company 54 (S3-S6/ £66)

2pm-4pm: Film Club (S3-S6/ £66)
4pm-6pm: We Rebels (alternating weeks)

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